The mean BMI ranged 26.7–28.1 kg/m2 and the mean BF% ranged 31.4–31.6% across alcohol consumption categories. About 8.8% of the sample reported not drinking any alcohol currently. Sleep duration was similar across alcohol consumption categories (ranged 7.1–7.2 h). About 82.5% of never drinkers also never smoked, and 11.9% of never drinkers were previous smokers.

can drinking alcohol cause weight gain

Is Wine Fattening?

Still, the researchers noted that reducing alcohol intake led to less impulsivity, like overeating. The number of Americans classified as overweight or obese has increased dramatically over the past two decades. Between 1988 and 2000, the prevalence of being overweight among Americans increased by 40 percent, and the prevalence of obesity increased by 110 percent (Flegal et al., 2002).

  • Other drinks, such as the berry fusion or kiwi sour, offer a non-alcoholic drinking experience that’s more sophisticated than a Shirley Temple and more flavorful than sparkling water.
  • Get your recommended hours of sleep to keep your body moving and refreshed.
  • Dr. Kaur has clinical interests in type 2 diabetes, hypertension, diet/lifestyle modification, morbid obesity and its treatments.
  • Eating while drinking alcohol slows absorption and helps maintain impulse control.
  • Lowering the prevalence of obesity to less than 15 percent by 2010 is a national health goal (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2001).

Health advice for people who drink alcohol or are thinking of drinking alcohol

  • Almost half of U.S. adults have tried to lose weight in the past year.
  • The authors stressed the need for more research on the topic of binge drinking and weight gain.
  • Although some studies have found that drinking light-to-moderate amounts of alcohol is not necessarily linked to weight gain, researchers suggest that drinking alcohol can sometimes be a risk factor for obesity.
  • Another explanation might be that alcohol drinkers might not compensate for the energy intake from alcohol by consuming less energy from food.
  • “[I]t has been found that alcohol intake increases energy expenditure, likely due in part to the fact that it has a high thermogenic effect.
  • When you consume food, your body metabolizes it, breaking it down by its nutrients and storing it or using it as energy.

So, how does someone get rid of belly fat that’s caused by drinking too much wine? The good news is that you don’t have to cut wine out of your life completely to eliminate a wine belly. Learn how to properly moderate your drinking, rather than completely cutting off wine or going cold turkey. Alcohol is one of the leading causes of death in the United States, contributing to approximately 178,000 deaths annually. Over time, alcohol use takes a toll on your body and increases your risk of over 200 health conditions.

Alcohol affects judgment calls… especially with food

  • Generally, glands in your body release the right amount of hormones at an exact time, which send messages to your tissues.
  • Researchers and clinicians have made great strides in understanding how and why drugs – including alcohol, a drug – alter the brain.
  • There is growing evidence that alcohol consumption may stimulate caloric loss through a microsomal ethanol-oxidizing system [34,35].
  • These brain changes contribute to the compulsive nature of addiction, making it difficult to abstain from alcohol.
  • “Stress chemicals like cortisol can trigger weight gain by increasing hunger, fat storage, insulin resistance and muscle loss,” explains Harris-Pincus.

What we’ve found in animal models of binge drinking is that certain subtypes of neurons lose the ability to talk to each other appropriately. Even after a prolonged period of abstinence, conversations between the neurons don’t return to normal. If lifestyle measures are not successful, a doctor may recommend a prescription medication or a surgical procedure, like bariatric surgery. These options can be effective but not always accessible, depending on a person’s health insurance or financial situation.

Alcohol Consumption and Obesity: An Update

can drinking alcohol cause weight gain

After a few drinks, you may be more likely to make unhealthy food choices without thinking about it. For example, your adrenal glands, found on top of your kidneys, secrete cortisol, a stress hormone. Usually, cortisol helps your body respond to stress by increasing Top 5 Advantages of Staying in a Sober Living House blood pressure and heart rate. Drinking alcohol can impair the functions of your glands that release hormones, which may cause weight gain. Repeated episodes of drinking and drunkenness, coupled with withdrawal, can spiral, leading to relapse and reuse of alcohol.

Best alcoholic drinks for weight loss

Both cardio and high-intensity exercise can help (45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51). So, if you’re trying to lose weight and improve your health, switch to a diet mostly based on whole, unprocessed foods and cut back on added sugar (42, 43, 44). Unfortunately, there’s not one perfect diet for reducing belly fat. However, diets that contain low amounts of processed meats, sugary drinks and refined grain products have been linked with smaller waistlines (40, 41).

The Cultural Effect: Women & Wine

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